Assaultcube Server Stats (aka sekret MOOM)
Only replying to tempest for now. Sorry! (Will get to the rest of the text later)

As I said, this is a project to learn things, so I didn't put tons of time into that. Towards the end, I was just wanting to finish it. My code to actually compile all the stats into HTML is really gross and disgusting. I'm not releasing that because I would be too embarrassed.

I can get you a list of HTML escaped characters, but really I didn't put as much effort as I could've found (a std module to use) an easier way. I did the basics still. No one knew enough about it to be able to safely do that. During data collection only myself Verse and jamz had a notion about what was going on. None of them knew exactly what was happening in the end. Nor did I a little. Security through obscurity is how this one worked out.

Valid HTML, psh. Overrated.
I will try to see if I can get it somewhere close though.

I could've sworn I cut out all of those floating point numbers. The AVG and STDDEV is also numbers to laugh at. If you can name some instances, that would help me. I did try to remove them (this may be an old revision of the HTML possibly?).

I was advised to use that color schema rather than the one I cooked up by myself. The one I cooked up myself was easy to read, but apparently the read burned holes in peoples eyes :>
I like red...

Biggest problem I see as well is the HTML output as well. I will double check sometime and make sure I have the hurtful characters escaped. IIRC I do. At least the stuff in common server names (and some lesser common characters).

When I'm more away and intelligent I'll respond more in depth about the statistics and the stuff that requires more brain power later :\
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Assaultcube Server Stats (aka sekret MOOM) - by Ronald_Reagan - 10 Sep 11, 11:30AM