could not connect to server error
A - the firewall in my pc is OFF

[Image: firexl.png]

B - i dont understand : \ how i can check it?
it is not that :

[Image: 32138783.png]

c - dont tink... yesterday i get into the "PFPortChecker" and then it tell me to open port in i open and check in the "PFPortChecker" and it told me that the port are opened.
but today i get into the appz and he told me to open in i open like yesterday and when i check it tell me a positive answer like you see.. = \

D - read c :D

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Messages In This Thread
could not connect to server error - by Alen - 11 Jul 10, 07:15PM
RE: could not connect to server error - by Alen - 12 Jul 10, 10:13AM