reconnect from a ban with same IP how?
I think what tempest is saying is that we're barking up the wrong tree and that it has nothing to do with IP address at all. There's another problem in the AC (server) code somewhere. Typically, applications that operate over the Internet only care about your public IP address and usually have no knowledge of your LAN IP, nor do they care (unless of course you're running a LAN only service/game). That's why we have to do port forwarding, so that the router knows which computer to send any given packets to.

I've been speculating based on casual observations and having no knowledge of how AC functions, but in all honesty even my own speculations don't really make sense to me. There has to be another explanation.
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RE: reconnect from a ban with same IP how? - by Darkbee - 12 Jan 11, 03:59PM