Is this forum's moderation failing?
I completely agree with Drakas. I would just like to point out one thing that I think isn't addressed. As much as the forum moderation is falling, so is the quality of the AC community posts. This is a dual relationship. Bad moderation causes people to get angry and post/flame against this moderation. Then these posts are either left up and more people follow suit, or they are removed and harsh punishment is dealt or the topics are closed without a reason being given. This makes the same people angry and the cycle continues. While both moderators and community has to improve to create a better experience for everyone, let's be honest. Getting the comparatively few mods to improve their moderation is a lot easier than getting the vast community members to comply first. Better moderation (i.e. reasons for threads being deleted, even if the reason is obvious a small written reason would help, deleted posts should have a reason/warning made public, threads NOT being removed secret police style) needs to come first and then you will see a better community being built.
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RE: Is this forum's moderation failing? - by Emoposer - 28 Sep 10, 07:37AM