TO ALL SERVER ADMINS: How to be the best Admin Ever!
This thread is getting off topic.
@JGAN: Thank you for posting that link, there are a lot of admins that do a very poor job of running their servers, and I think that jack's guide is a pretty good one. You should note, however, that some people "going straight to a server and claiming admin" are doing so because they are caught in a range ban, but still have admin access to various servers, and thus use /adminconnect to get on (myself included).
@RK: No reason to cut him down like that...
@DrauL: No need to explode like that. It was one mocking comment in response to a previous mocking comment.
@MorganKell: Respect, please.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: TO ALL SERVER ADMINS: How to be the best Admin Ever! - by Zarjio - 27 Sep 10, 06:29AM