Name(s) used: =SA=Gonna
Date/Time (including timezone): 16-Feb-2-2012 1315hrs (GMT +0530)
Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server):
Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s):
IP (or a partial IP): 124.121.245.x
A detailed description of what they did: Tag Abuse, Impersonation of =SA= Clan member. Troll as well.
Date/Time (including timezone): 16-Feb-2-2012 1315hrs (GMT +0530)
Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server):
Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s):
IP (or a partial IP): 124.121.245.x
A detailed description of what they did: Tag Abuse, Impersonation of =SA= Clan member. Troll as well.