30 Dec 11, 07:31AM
One more aimbot spotted...
// Name(s) used: sperde and ~*MW3-Pro*~
// Date/Time: Around 02:45 AM (sperde) and 03:10 AM (~*MW3-Pro*~), all UTC -03:00, December 30th, 2011.
// Demo (sperde): http://su7th.webs.com/Demos/CTF_ac_shine_2011.12.29_2128.dmo
// Demo (~*MW3-Pro*~): http://su7th.webs.com/Demos/HTF_ac_desert3_2011.12.29_2058.dmo
// Server: Both on Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// Description: Both persons used a most likely wall hack (can see through walls) and an aimbot. And both persons appear to be the same person but with a dynamic IP, all posted below. Note that sperde joins at about 06:40 minutes remaining.
// IP Addresses (full): Below, first is sperde's and the second is ~*MW3-Pro*~'s.