//Name: Killer2|E$U|
//Ban Reason: gib hack, nade hack etc
//Ban Date June 19, 2010
//Server: |NZ|Pohutukawa
//Proof: http://hi-skill.us/up/store/f9ktx06f.dmo.html (around 13 minute)
//IP: (In this case. Killer2 has seemingly endless IP ranges; 71.162.x.x, 71.175.x.x, 78.146 to 78.149.x.x, 78.151.x.x, 84.13.x.x, 84.19.x.x, 89.240.x.x, 89.242.x.x, 92.24.x.x, 92.29.x.x, etc. Perhaps a nickname ban...)
Mod edit: added IP
edit 2: These IPs aren't even from the same part of the world...
//Ban Reason: gib hack, nade hack etc
//Ban Date June 19, 2010
//Server: |NZ|Pohutukawa
//Proof: http://hi-skill.us/up/store/f9ktx06f.dmo.html (around 13 minute)
//IP: (In this case. Killer2 has seemingly endless IP ranges; 71.162.x.x, 71.175.x.x, 78.146 to 78.149.x.x, 78.151.x.x, 84.13.x.x, 84.19.x.x, 89.240.x.x, 89.242.x.x, 92.24.x.x, 92.29.x.x, etc. Perhaps a nickname ban...)
Mod edit: added IP
edit 2: These IPs aren't even from the same part of the world...