27 Jul 11, 01:28PM
// Name: \WuT/WhiteBlade (oldly named "d" before he impersonnated me)
// Ban date: 2011-07-27
// Ban reason: Impersonnating
// Server: Server Finland 1 =MyS= http://www.mysick.tk
// Proof:
Screenshot:![[Image: 20110712.jpg]](http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/14/14/60/64/20110712.jpg)
Demos: http://www.mediafire.com/?58rs3mienwbg8tg
IP of the faker: 83.22.255.x
My IP : 86.69.177.x
My Local IP:
// Ban date: 2011-07-27
// Ban reason: Impersonnating
// Server: Server Finland 1 =MyS= http://www.mysick.tk
// Proof:
![[Image: 20110712.jpg]](http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/14/14/60/64/20110712.jpg)
Demos: http://www.mediafire.com/?58rs3mienwbg8tg
IP of the faker: 83.22.255.x
My IP : 86.69.177.x
My Local IP: