24 Jul 10, 05:35AM
Name: poll
Date/Time : Aprox. 2pm GMT +10
Server: Lexy's Playground
Demos : http://hotfile.com/dl/57113551/6acb451/2....03.41.dmo
Screenshots : //hotfile.com/dl/57113874/b4a514c/20100724_04.09.56_NEW_YORK_SKY_CTF.jpg
Partial IP : 24.4.x.x
Reason : Flag Hack, Challenging skilled player while under the influence of hacks XD
Date/Time : Aprox. 2pm GMT +10
Server: Lexy's Playground
Demos : http://hotfile.com/dl/57113551/6acb451/2....03.41.dmo
Screenshots : //hotfile.com/dl/57113874/b4a514c/20100724_04.09.56_NEW_YORK_SKY_CTF.jpg
Partial IP : 24.4.x.x
Reason : Flag Hack, Challenging skilled player while under the influence of hacks XD