10 Apr 11, 10:28PM
//Name: -Kase.O-pr0-
//Date: 10/4/2011
//Server: osok.pwnz.org:2020
//Reason: calling offensive and stupid votes
//Proof:http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/3779/keseoproevidence.png offensive one means (according to Google Translate): b****** co** eats me up and down:
//IP: didn't get it.
//Comments: There were stupid votes to kick me from [BOPE}HOPLITA and another [BOPE] player as well, but I couldn't get any proof from my command prompt after quitting AC. If the server owner could post them here, that would be great.
There were no reason for these votes, btw. I was just trying to play TOSOK and I got random kick and ban votes called against me.