13 Feb 11, 04:11AM
(This post was last modified: 13 Feb 11, 04:12AM by eftertanke.)
// 2011-02-13T01:02:47Z
// Have Fun... Or Die [1]
// fragfag
// Reason: Disrespect towards lifestyles, players, and races; excessive language; threatening to follow me around servers and "ruin my game", calling senseless votes
// reason : fragfag called a vote: kick player Alsatia, reason: teamkiller
// : fragfag: f1 dammit
// : fragfag: yes veryy
// : fragfag: yes veryy
// : fragfag called a vote: kick player Alsatia, reason: teamkiller
// : quinnw: Quit with the senseless voting.
// : hyperinflation called a vote: kick player fragfag, reason: vote_abuse
// : fragfag: how is it vote abuse idiot?
// : fragfag: yes very mad
// : fragfag: oh god so mad
// : fragfag: i so am
// : fragfag: im noob
// : fragfag: oh god so mad
// : fragfag: a dick
// : quinnw called a vote: kick player fragfag, reason: Vote abuse
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : fragfag called a vote: kick player quinnw, reason: idiot
// : you were fragged by teammate fragfag
// : you were fragged by teammate fragfag
// : fragfag fragged teammate hyperinflation
// : quinnw called a vote: kick player fragfag, reason: Disrespecting other players, teamkilling, and vote abuse
// : fragfag: lol nice reason
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : fragfag: vote failed
// : quinnw: Add spamming lol.
// : fragfag: then try to kick idiot
// : fragfag: it wont work
// : fragfag: ill just tk you the whole time, make the other team win
// : fragfag fragged teammate Alsatia
// : fragfag fragged teammate Alsatia
// : fragfag fragged teammate BenBen
// : quinnw called a vote: kick player fragfag, reason: Disrespecting other players and races, teamkilling
// : fragfag: niggerss
// : fragfag: we lost thanks to me!
// : you were fragged by teammate fragfag
// : fragfag: hey quit being gay and this wouldnt happen
// : you were fragged by teammate fragfag
// : quinnw: ... fragfag stop.
// : fragfag: f u
// : fragfag: you started it
// : fragfag: shouldnt have been a fag
// : fragfag: lol
// : fragfag: ill ruin your game
// : fragfag: and follow you to every room
// : quinnw: Room?
// : fragfag: and make sure u dont have fun
// : quinnw: Ok
// : you were fragged by teammate fragfag
// : fragfag: lol
// : fragfag: do it
// : fragfag: do it
// : fragfag: do it
// : fragfag: do it
// : fragfag kicked for excessive friendly fire
// : player fragfag disconnected
// : connected: fragfag
// : {Over}FLUZAO-TT called a vote: kick player fragfag, reason: teamkill
// : player fragfag disconnected
// : connected: fragfag
// : fragfag fragged teammate Alsatia
// : fragfag: lol@Alsatia's 3 frags
// : fragfag: lol@Alsatia's 3 frags
// : fragfag fragged teammate {Over}FLUZAO-TT
// : fragfag fragged teammate H@RE$H17
// : fragfag fragged teammate H@RE$H17
// : fragfag fragged teammate Alsatia
// : fragfag called a vote: kick player Alsatia, reason: noob@7frags
// : fragfag: SO MAD!
// : fragfag: OH THE RAGE!