27 Dec 10, 04:13PM
(This post was last modified: 27 Dec 10, 04:14PM by eftertanke.)
// 2010-12-27T14:58 UTC
// =SA=Clan Dedicated Server (USA
// -sCr3W-KiDCuDi
// Reason: Disrespecting other players, calling senseless votes, teamkilling me when I called him out on it
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player Near, reason: noob
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
// : unarmed (0) called a vote: kick player -sCr3W-Ki
DCuDi, reason: Lying
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player unarmed (0), reason: stfucku
// : unarmed (0) called a vote: kick player -sCr3W-KiDCuDi, reason: Being rude
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player unarmed (0), reason: quit_fuking_votes..NOOB
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: noob
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: kick player Near, reason: lagger
// : NOTE: The above player never lagged
// : unarmed (0) called a vote: kick player -sCr3W-KiDCuDi, reason: Calling senseless votes, being rude and teamkilling me because I call him out on it
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up nob
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up noob
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up noob
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: shut up noob
// : NOTE: Yes, three times in series
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: i am our team dammit
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: i am our team dammit
// : NOTE: Yes, two times in series
// : NEXT MATCH (I don't have this demo)
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi called a vote: ban player unarmed (0), reason: flamming-faggot
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
// : -sCr3W-KiDCuDi: F1 ALL
// : NOTE: Yes, four times in series
// : NOTE: This vote did pass