Name: WienerSchnitzel
Server: Gema Avengers Beta
IP: 67.174.184.x
Proof: Witnesses (DotA was one of them)
Description: Intentionally gemakills, likes to kick and ban people who ACCIDENTALLY kill him, vote abuses for all the wrong reasons, likes to threaten other players, acts like a total punk.
Name: {CoE}Paulo
Date: 12-30-2015
Server: Gema Avengers Beta
Reason: Gemakills on purpose and abuses his admin powers
IP: 187.24.187.x
Name: sailortrash
Date: 12-30-2015
Server: [E]pic Gaming Australian Pub
Reason: Noob that voteabuses against me for no reason
IP: N/A (Unfortunately I didn't get it soon enough)
Server: Gema Avengers Beta
IP: 67.174.184.x
Proof: Witnesses (DotA was one of them)
Description: Intentionally gemakills, likes to kick and ban people who ACCIDENTALLY kill him, vote abuses for all the wrong reasons, likes to threaten other players, acts like a total punk.
Name: {CoE}Paulo
Date: 12-30-2015
Server: Gema Avengers Beta
Reason: Gemakills on purpose and abuses his admin powers
IP: 187.24.187.x
Name: sailortrash
Date: 12-30-2015
Server: [E]pic Gaming Australian Pub
Reason: Noob that voteabuses against me for no reason
IP: N/A (Unfortunately I didn't get it soon enough)