03 Feb 13, 10:31PM
Well i saw that guy Jack trying to impersonating me and kicking me in whole 3 games, also with another IP for avoid the report, and chaging his name and IP, also im the real, because in that proofs im the #(2) and #(13) if you see that he has the same name of me, the other guys (19,(18) and (1) are fakes.
//Proof Images:
//Nickname: Jack, doomTOgay, DarKnight|#DRP|, DarKnight|#DrP|(Impersonator)
//IP Partial of the fake people and Jack = doomTOgay
// DarKnight|#DrP| = 81.92.190.x (different IP)
// DarKnight|#DRP| = 94.71.250.x
// doomTOgay = 94.71.250.x
//Reason: Impersonator, Abuse Kick votes with offensive reasons, Abusive Behavior, trolling...
//Date: 03/02/2013
//Server: "Server Finland 4 Custom Maps =MyS= 100Mbit"
//Proof Images: