Mappers Interviews: Robtics
This time I interviewed Robtics. Having won best new comer with his only map to be published to the community, ac_majik for the 5th mapping contest. Here is to hoping we see more work from the quality mapper, as he proves not everyone has to create loads of maps to be considered a quality mapper.

* Note the nature of this interview has changed due to being conducted via private messages.

Quote:1. Lets jump right in shall we? How are you today? Care to give a small introduction of your mapping past?"

Definitely! I'm fine, just a little exhausted from today, just got home ;)
I began to map in the early stages of 1.0 and taught most of the stuff myself, later learned a
few nice tricks and workarounds from you, Floppy and generally DES. Most of the time I spent
thinking about possible layouts and or details, only released one map officially so far.

2. You've won a contest as best newcomer, do you think the map you entered was your best effort?

I did! ac_majik is a pretty nice map IMO which required some knowledge of the new version... 1.1 back then to play it properly in every direction. By now I think I could have done a lot more, especially lightning and sound!

3. Would you attempt to enter any other mapping contest? Why or why not?

I thought about it! I had some pretty nice layout and ideas for ctf maps which I would have liked to do BUT I never entered because I either had no time I could really dedicate or I felt like the subject didn't suit my ideas at the time well. I'm not sure if I would still enter now - definitely not if I had to map on my own - the thing is, I feel like the community doesn't really want maps anymore, so many customs and classics that never get played, even officials!

4. Who are some of your favorite mappers, and why?

Mr.Floppy! Sadly not for his released work :D Really innovative ideas for detail, great know-how and dedication - even you used some of his inventions ;) Then I got to say I also enjoyed mapping with you or going through your works, good fun :D Fastest mapper I got to know I think ...
I also like DogDancing's and some of ExodusS's work.

5. Do you think there is a large difference between pub maps and competitive maps? Why?

I think you cant draw a clear line between those two in AC! Large difference? Definitely not.
Maps with good gameplay in general get played a lot on either pub or private servers

6. How do you feel about arena maps, such as ac_douze?
I love arena modes, but ac_douze just never has been my thing. I like to have to try to predict where my opponent goes and move accordingly - well, atleast try :D It's not like it doesnt fit into AC tho... fast, arcade like gameplay

7. Do you feel as if water helps or hurts maps? Why?
Water isn't more than a nice detail, it doesn't help gameplay or performance of the map...
It shouldn't be used to much!

8. If you could redo any official map, to improve on it, what would it be and why?
Actually, I always enjoyed depot a lot but its detail is from the past century!

9. What is your favorite official maps, and why?
I enjoy many but Shadows elevation is my favorite! Nice mapping, nice gameplay! It can be very tactical but switch to very fast and action packed within moments! Also its funny to watch noobs get lost ;D

10. If you could say one thing, to any mapper that has left us, who would it be to and what would you say?
Floppy... finish markt ... NOW!

11. How do you feel about custom content in maps?
With the auto-download now available its fine! ... but should be used correct, I don't want random rick-roll sounds on my computer, really!

12. What feature would you like to see added to mapping? Why?
I think the map editor is fine, maybe deadly clips and the possibility to trigger events, like open a door or something if you touch a lever.

13. If you could add any map(s) to the official package, what would it/they be and why?
ac_metl3!!! great map, great fun!

14. Last few questions, you planning on any releases soon? If so, care to drop some hints as to what?
I had something in the making but didn't have the time/motivation to finish it on my own and I felt like new maps kinda catch dust after a few days after the release nowadays, so I didn't continue

15. In closing, is that anything else you would like to add? How was this interview for you?
Nothing to add, I enjoyed thinking back a little tho! :) and nice to hear something from you! :D

I only have one mapper left out of my start up interviews. After that one I will take some time to gather more interviews and I will post them as soon as possible. So there will be no preview on the next interview as it has not been done yet. However, I will ask that people give suggestions as to who could be interviewed, questions asked, and maybe any other ideas you would like to see. I would like to thank everyone for reading these and for the positive feedback. The preview for the next interview is this, he hasn't won anything or even has an official map. He is a newer mapper, but could be considered quality.
Quote:As a new mapper, is there anyone you look up to for inspiration? If so, why them?

Well, I don't have inspiration on a particular mapper. Sometimes I get inspiration of some random map, right in the middle of some game. When I start making a map I try to leave my mark, you know. I want to offer a new style map (if is that possible here), I don't want to share a map that looks like the rest, it would be more of the same and I don't want that because is boring. I want to share a map where players feel good on it and, basically, have a good game. But I'm still trying.

Thanks again to Robtics for allowing me to interview him and thanks again to the readers. Without you guys, the readers, this wouldn't be able to go anywhere.
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Messages In This Thread
Mappers Interviews: Robtics - by Pi_Halo - 05 May 14, 11:05PM
RE: Mappers Interviews: Robtics - by DrauL - 06 May 14, 01:54AM
RE: Mappers Interviews: Robtics - by MPx - 07 May 14, 01:24AM
RE: Mappers Interviews: Robtics - by ExodusS - 07 May 14, 10:47AM
RE: Mappers Interviews: Robtics - by Robtics - 07 May 14, 01:14PM
RE: Mappers Interviews: Robtics - by ExodusS - 17 May 14, 02:14PM