Feedback about SVN:trunk (pre-1.1.0)
Here you can discuss what you think about the current state of the SVN:trunk.
If you want to post a bug, please describe as detailed as possible how to reproduce and be sure to mention O/S (operating system), GFX-card (graphics card) and whatever output the engine may have provided. Be it either a dialog (use imageshack or similar - please crop your image too - don't post a 1024x768 image if only 420x314 would do!). It may also be simple console output, which on Windows often just goes into stderr.txt (located in the install-directory).

Sadly even this myBB info didn't work as hoped - I can't get my post to be #1 - it's probably the CREATION timestamp, not the EDITED timestamp that's relevant and I don't want to mess with the DB manually. *sigh*
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Messages In This Thread
Feeback about SVN:trunk (pre-1.1.0) - by flowtron - 21 Jun 10, 10:00PM