Zombie Mode Server!
Maybe this will make it easier for players:

Open AC, type the 2 lines below, close AC. (this is to makes sure it is saved properly)

/alias zombiespam [ say "   /modconnect xrd.me 3000" ]

/alias zombie [ modconnect xrd.me 3000 ]

To tell others type /zombiespam
To go there type /zombie

If you get a few players that like to play zombie mode you may want to use this also:

/alias zombiehow [ say "http://forum.cubers.net/thread-6850.html" ]

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for your saved.cfg getting messed up cause of a typo on your part or mine. You must type them (or copy/paste) exactly as shown. I strongly suggest you make a backup copy of saved.cfg before adding this or any bind.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Zombie Mode Server! - by PR/PARTY_ROCKER - 15 Jun 13, 02:04AM
RE: Zombie Mode Server! - by [SODA]___ME___ - 15 Jun 13, 01:55PM
RE: Zombie Mode Server! - by Krayce - 15 Jun 13, 07:49PM
RE: Zombie Mode Server! - by PR/PARTY_ROCKER - 21 Jun 13, 03:35PM
RE: Zombie Mode Server! - by Strax - 21 Jun 13, 11:14PM
RE: Zombie Mode Server! - by Rainbow - 21 Jul 13, 10:58PM