Scripts AutoKick AutoBan Help Me

I would like to help me create a script to occur when a TK is auto kick for my vote. on my server I'm a long time away from the keyboard so I would like to help me create this script.
also a script for when someone says a word inadequate say something like "Watch your leguaje" and the second time by a vote autokick is mine. I repeat I'm always away from the keyboard and I'm the admin.

and at this time I created a Bot Admin but have not auto Auto Kick and Ban on TK or Hack.
please help me to create these scripts thanks.
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Messages In This Thread
Scripts AutoKick AutoBan Help Me - by ADM|AtriX - 29 Dec 12, 06:13PM
RE: Scripts AutoKick AutoBan Help Me - by Bukz - 30 Dec 12, 06:05PM