To my O3 mates and to the rest of the community
After much considering, i have come to a decision.

It is with great sadness that i announce that i will be leaving OnLy3, because i feel i, at the moment, don't belong in such a hi-level competitive clan. Also, some computer problems will prevent me from playing a lot in the near future.

I like to thank a lot to all the members of OnLy3, especially marreira, nocu and rambo, who have taught me a lot and helped me become the player that i currently am.
I hope to continue to see you in-game, i have a lot of fun fragging with you :')

If anyone wants to team up with me to form a new clan, be sure to contact me at [email protected]. I don't know my ways around a forum, so if that someone would have those skills it would be very nice.

Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
To my O3 mates and to the rest of the community - by titiPT - 15 Aug 10, 04:10PM