To 'all' server nickname blacklist maintainers
@Iguana: I provide a service and I provide it for free. However I don't monitor any of the forums I'm on 24/7 nor do I have the capacity to update / remove entries at any given time. Some of us (including me) are enjoying other parts of our lives besides AC.

I remember replying to your post specifically but as I'm very busy from time to time it's probably sunk on my todo list. Of course there can be other reasons as well, reasons I can't think of right now. By the way, yet again I'm online at IRC at least once per day but I've never had a request from you or someone in your clan about removing the WL off my system. Seems pretty strange to me that you're defending what you've done so far without even trying to communicate to me in other ways. Could mean you don't care or don't know how to, IDK.

As for the so called "hacking incident" you have at this point presented zero proof to me. Yes, I know you have linked the demo in an IRC convo to me on the 20th of May, but that demo falls into the category wishy-washy. Meaning it's useless, and you're just using it to present your view of the case and deny people with authority (jamz) that has also looked at it and concluded it's cheat free.

Oh, another thing. I don't care about your servers either. In fact, I've never played at them. If I have I'm sure it must have been with the nickname "YOUgetAIDS", but that's another story..
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Messages In This Thread
RE: To 'all' server nickname blacklist maintainers - by pwnage{TyD} - 09 Sep 12, 04:20PM