Client crashing
ac_client(_ZN12signalbinder11stackdumperEi+0x26) [0x8153166] [0xb76fb400]
ac_client(_ZN9vertmodel4part6renderEiifiP6dynent+0x2296) [0x8108956]
ac_client(_ZN3md36renderEiifiRK3vecffP6dynentP11modelattachf+0x4f9) [0x8109349]
ac_client(_Z11rendermodelPKciifRK3vecfffiP9playerentP11modelattachf+0x322) [0x80fbf92]
ac_client(_ZN6weapon14renderhudmodelEii+0x190) [0x815c700]
ac_client(_ZN6weapon14renderhudmodelEv+0x24) [0x815cf64]
ac_client(_Z10drawhudguniifi+0x13e) [0x80ef41e]
ac_client(_Z12gl_drawframeiiff+0x628) [0x80f00e8]
ac_client(main+0xcbc) [0x807567c]
/usr/lib/ [0xb712e605]
ac_client() [0x807c271]
AssaultCube error (11) ()
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
OpenAL Error (A004): invalid operation, line 352
AL lib: ReleaseALC: 1 device not closed

I have made changes to clientgame.cpp in lines 727, 728 to change teamkill console message to red:

        outf("\f2%s suicided%s", pname, pl==player1 ? "!" : "");
    else if(isteam(pl->team, act->team))
        if(pl==player1) outf("\f3you were %s by teammate %s", death, aname);
        else outf("%s%s %s teammate %s", act==player1 ? "\f3" : "\f3", aname, death, pname);

Also added -lX11 to CLIENT_LIBS in Makefile to fix

This had never happened before compiling this client. No warnings while compiling.

Crashes don't seem to correlate to teamkills as it has happened without simultaneous teamkill and teamkills have happened with no crash.

I may have isolated the issue to a custom weapon skin:

However, the most recent crash happened while I was using the knife (with default skin). It did happen while that weapon skin was in use for the sniper rifle, which was equipped for a T/OSOK game. In the meantime I'm posting in case someone happens to know of a different cause.

Edit: Unrelated to the skin; reproduced without it.
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Messages In This Thread
Client crashing - by vonunov - 06 Sep 12, 11:29PM