<BR>TheKiller and =StarScream's actions
I've a bone to pick with TheKiller of the BR clan, and =StarScream.
I was playing in a generic map, some open small area with walls, a tower and various objects scattered about the map. Not the best...
So, around halfway through the game, I've reached the top of the player list with more than 50 kills, as apposed to 14 kills from the second best player. All of a sudden, TheKiller votes to kick me and I'm promptly kicked off the server almost instantly. I've kept a log of what happened next if it helps:
Quote:connected to server
read map packages\maps\ac_minicastle.cgz (4 milliseconds)
ac_minicastle - By hehe and Ult!mate
game mode is "DM"
Deathmatch: Destroy anything that moves! Everyone for themselves!
time remaining: 6 minutes
Hackers and cheaters will be shot, burned, killed, banned, spit on, reported and blacklisted If you want to play GEMA, type /connect gema.game-server.cc 22222
connected: hehe
connected: =StarScream
connected: <BR>TheKiller
hehe fragged <BR>TheKiller
you got gibbed by =StarScream
connected: B-Rabbit[FR]
|EXP|Friedslick: Okay, why ddi you kick me then.
<BR>TheKiller gibbed =StarScream
|EXP|Friedslick: *did
B-Rabbit[FR] fragged =StarScream
B-Rabbit[FR] fragged <BR>TheKiller
<BR>TheKiller called a vote: kick player |EXP|Friedslick
server network error, disconnecting (kicked by server operator) ...
read map packages\maps\ac_minicastle.cgz (5 milliseconds)
ac_minicastle - By hehe and Ult!mate
game mode is "DM"
time remaining: 10 minutes
attempting to connect to nucky.selfip.com
connected to server
read map packages\maps\ac_minicastle.cgz (4 milliseconds)
ac_minicastle - By hehe and Ult!mate
game mode is "DM"
Deathmatch: Destroy anything that moves! Everyone for themselves!
time remaining: 6 minutes
Hackers and cheaters will be shot, burned, killed, banned, spit on, reported and blacklisted If you want to play GEMA, type /connect gema.game-server.cc 22222
connected: hehe
connected: B-Rabbit[FR]
connected: =StarScream
connected: <BR>TheKiller
you got gibbed by hehe
=StarScream: br so br tbm vamo junto manolo
|EXP|Friedslick: Give me a reason, TheKiller.
connected: everton
B-Rabbit[FR] fragged =StarScream
connected: oghfdA^KIM
everton fragged B-Rabbit[FR]
time remaining: 5 minutes
B-Rabbit[FR] fragged oghfdA^KIM
=StarScream: you kill everybody and we try to go castle
B-Rabbit[FR] fragged everton
oghfdA^KIM fragged B-Rabbit[FR]
you fragged oghfdA^KIM
B-Rabbit[FR] fragged =StarScream
you got fragged by B-Rabbit[FR]
you fragged everton
player oghfdA^KIM disconnected
hehe fragged <BR>TheKiller
<BR>TheKiller: Nice shot
=StarScream called a vote: ban player |EXP|Friedslick
hehe: Affirmative
=StarScream: f1
server network error, disconnecting (banned by server operator) ...
Is there any course of action I can take against people like this? I don't want to be unbanned from the server I was on, because I'd rather avoid the type of people who would vote someone off for a reason like that... But those people shouldn't be allowed to get away with it, I think.

I suppose I should clarify, I was using a submachine gun and running around wildly shooting up everyone who spawned on the ground of the small map. No dirty tactics.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
<BR>TheKiller and =StarScream's actions - by Friedslick6 - 07 Aug 10, 11:25AM