DDS textures for AC + DDS loader (source modified)
So, most game engines have to implement OpenGL and D3D renderers... Of course, most gamers don't use GMA, but most notebooks and netbooks have Intel GMA inside. I prefer to play on machine with GeForce:)
eihrul, what do you thik about decompressing DXT format on CPU if driver doesn't support it? DXT is a simple format and it can be easily decompressed. I can try to write simple decompressor, so if system doesn't support dds, engine will send to card pure RGB/RGBA. In this case we avoid OpenSource driver limitations and keep pre-generated mip-maps advantage of dds. Also we don't need to include jpg/png into package like you do in Red Eclipse.
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RE: DDS textures for AC + DDS loader (source modified) - by RPG - 30 Sep 11, 11:44AM