Assaultcube Server Stats (aka sekret MOOM)
In my workings with python, I came across an idea to collect data on a massive scale, and thus further my knowledge of the language.

My knowledge has grown, and now I have a link to give you.

But before I give this link, let me talk more about this data collection.

I aimed this project to take the form of a server stat collector. It would pull data off of servers using extern info and perform calculations on it. It would also query the master-server to retrieve the serverlist, and then use that list to total the amount of servers and players.

And thus it was made.

I then decided I needed some easy way to display and manipulate the data so I could share the love. And increase my knowledge of python.

And thus it was made. in a very hackish style, was tired.


And on the third day I slept (and went to work, I need money :P).

Now, I am no mathematician, so my calculations are pretty rudimentary and hopefully correct (I checked with Wikipedia, I think they are).
So, if anyone armed with a knowledge of python (or basic coding knowledge) with a sidearm of statistics wants to check and further my work, I will let them in on my soon to be revised source.

This data is one whole day (and a bit more, my math as wrong). Have at it:

Some interesting servers to look at:'s_house_[[24=7_T=OSOK]][AC_Ladder]_%7BTyD%7DPennywise:28765.html

(V-Edit: FML, BBCode despises those URLs. Good luck.)
(at least the most common mode is COOP, but ac_desert?)
(GOoooooo AC!)

Interesting purely because they have some data to show.

Thanks goes out to B}Verse for hosting the server for data collection (and some math). HyPE|GDM and HyPE|Joesmith for help with the website end of things (CSS). The rest of the B} Clan, and MM10 for feedback. Thanks to Fiz for a PHP script that helped me form a basis to work off of.

Feel free to give as much helpful feedback as you want. Really that is what will make this better in the end.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Assaultcube Server Stats (aka sekret MOOM) - by Ronald_Reagan - 09 Sep 11, 05:04AM