Re: Go to first unread post My clan have a have a problem with Perros as admin i
Very funny Cleaner, that's probably the proper class of a nearly 5 years old clan :)

Now, if your are so kind, please answer.

Quote:You words are very kind Freddo - typical of individuals that knows to be right - but what's so bad on giving an answer?

3 weeks and I only receive insults/disqualification when I pleasely asks to explain where we ever mentioned any responsibility from DES on our threads. If I'm so wrong, it should be easier to confirm it and you shouldn't get that upset.

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Messages In This Thread
WINDOWS 98 - by XFA - 16 Jun 11, 03:28PM
RE: Re: Go to first unread post My clan have a have a problem with Perros as admin i - by Dade - 18 Jun 11, 02:58PM