Re: Go to first unread post My clan have a have a problem with Perros as admin i
@Dade I guess you don't read. Cleaner can forget a few things here and there so I would let a few things slide, but he knows NaSa was Perros.

Your leadership doesn't seem to talk to each other maybe you should go speak to Alex then we have explained to him why DES has something to do with Perros, but I guess its more obvious when his wearing the DES tag.

I hate repeating myself to your team.

But as we have said time and time again we have spoken to our team member about this and he has kindly agreed not to kick your team members for what ever reason other than cheating.

All we get back in response from this is more walls of text with complaints about the exact same issue no new attempts just the original issue.

I am sorry Dade and the rest of your team but please STFH and move on and close this thread I am tired of repeating myself, maybe someone needs to translate this to them as they don't seem to understand what I am saying.

Tipper sorry but this is just causing more trouble than what its worth in humour, people just don't see eye to eye on this.

Mods do what you want with this thread.
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Messages In This Thread
WINDOWS 98 - by XFA - 16 Jun 11, 03:28PM
RE: Re: Go to first unread post My clan have a have a problem with Perros as admin i - by Freddo - 18 Jun 11, 02:39PM