Assaultcube "Advanced" version...
Does not matter if you made it look like Crysis 5, ppl would still try to optimize it to be as smooth as possible and in the end it would look like AC anyway with all mods and tune packs.
People that want best gfx in games choose the new million dollar games, the others that understand that GFX is not everything will choose other games.
You ended up here right ? How did you get here ? And what did you really search for ?
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Assaultcube "Advanced" version... - by Brett - 11 Jul 10, 01:33PM
RE: Assaultcube "Advanced" version... - by Brett - 12 Jul 10, 12:56AM
RE: Assaultcube "Advanced" version... - by Brett - 12 Jul 10, 01:14AM
RE: Assaultcube "Advanced" version... - by Matasar - 12 Jul 10, 09:14PM