WARNING: Could Not Connect
So I am trying to make another server on my computer. I did the exact same proceedure as I did before. My server that is online right now goes to ports 28763-28764 UDP, but the new server I am trying to create goes to ports 38763-38764. So I thought there would be no problem. While I was going through the Server Wizard I did all the normal things that I did before, but now this time it has an error message.

WARNING: Could Not Connect.

So what is the problem? I forwarded my ports they are fine, but it won't allow me to make another server. What is the problem?
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Messages In This Thread
WARNING: Could Not Connect - by [Delta] - 20 Nov 10, 03:32PM
RE: WARNING: Could Not Connect - by tempest - 20 Nov 10, 04:46PM
RE: WARNING: Could Not Connect - by [Delta] - 20 Nov 10, 05:10PM
RE: WARNING: Could Not Connect - by JGAN - 20 Nov 10, 08:17PM
RE: WARNING: Could Not Connect - by [Delta] - 20 Nov 10, 09:01PM