Poll: Would you like to see ACinter @ webpage & wikipage?
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Yes, i do.
37 77.08%
No, i don't.
11 22.92%
Total 48 vote(s) 100%
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ACinter @ assault.cubers.net & wiki.cubers.net
(17 Jun 12, 12:37PM)Undead Wrote: maybe if you arnt in charge of it

Hes not really, Ikljo takes the time to code the bot, maintain the bot, and host the bot. Im not trying to take away from bunny starting the "idea" of acinter, but ikljo is the one that works on it 90%, and tired of hearing people say that bunny is doing everything.

I agree that acinter has worked out well, and still growing, but i do not see it as the sole greatest thing in the history of AC. The acinter is being updated daily, to make it work more efficiently, and try to make it more appealing to other clan channels.

Right now there are many channels that do have the acinter bot, but there are also some that haven't requested or are awaiting the appropriate time to have it added to their channel because in earlier releases there were still many bugs.

The bot is heavily monitored, and abuse is punished through permanent bans and there are staff members on 24/7 to monitor.

Feedback from users would help acinter grow into more than what it already is, just go #acinter @ gamsurge and just spit some ideas out.

Currently there is no website for acinter, there was at one point, but right now me and ikljo are working on a bigger project that will include a page for acinter. It would be nice if the channels that do not use acinter give it a try.

I hope acinter becomes more popular than it already has, with support from all that use it, and support from those that think its a great idea, i see acinter growing into something greater.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: ACinter @ assault.cubers.net & wiki.cubers.net - by Joe Smith - 17 Jun 12, 05:33PM