AC scripts (currently SVN)
(10 Jun 12, 05:20PM)Bukz Wrote: 2: No, but easily implemented if there are no good reasons not to. :)

I can't think of one and I'm pretty good at that sort of thing.

I did just think of a script I'd love to have; the "Here" script. It uses the player's yaw and position to determine what they are pointing at and depending on which map is in play retrieves a string describing the feature in question. So [ echo Here ] while pointing to the RVSF entrance of the tunnel on ac_depot could echo "RVSF tunnel entrance".

[ say "%The flag is " Here ]

Correct that CS if it's wrong. It probably is.
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Messages In This Thread
AC scripts (currently SVN) - by Bukz - 10 Jun 12, 04:22AM
RE: AC scripts (currently SVN) - by Mael - 10 Jun 12, 11:57PM