AC scripts (currently SVN)
Only post scripts for SVN (aka the next version of AssaultCube) here.

I'll start it off with a map specific settings script, which can easily be modified to work with specific modes also (this script should actually work in 1104 :p):

[cubescript]// Map specific settings for AC (currently SVN+) by Bukz

// When a map is loaded, cubescript checks if alias map_MAPNAMEHERE_settings exists, if it does, it is automatically executed.
// Therefore, to apply map specific settings automatically, all you have to do is make an alias for each map that you want
// different settings for, see the examples below.

// don't edit these next few lines

applyMapSettings = [
if (checkalias (format map_%1_settings (curmap 1))) [
((format map_%1_settings (curmap 1)))

if (! (checkalias mapstartalways)) [ mapstartalways = "" ]
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways applyMapSettings)) [
add2alias mapstartalways applyMapSettings

// edit below

// Add maps below, use map_MAPNAMEHERE_settings for alias names, uncomment the echos to verify that the settings are being applied
// map_ac_complex_settings = [
// echo applying ac_complex settings
// nextprimary 5
// ]

// map_ac_stellar_settings = [
// echo applying ac_stellar settings
// nextprimary 4
// ]

// map_ac_arid_settings = [
// echo applying ac_arid settings
// nextprimary 2
// maxroll 20
// fov 120
// echo more stuff can be added
// echo like this
// ][/cubescript]
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Messages In This Thread
AC scripts (currently SVN) - by Bukz - 10 Jun 12, 04:22AM