09 Jun 12, 03:28PM
(09 Jun 12, 03:23PM)Jason Wrote:(03 Jun 12, 09:51PM)RealViking Wrote:(03 Jun 12, 06:49PM)Jason Wrote: myn pl0x
any bad stats will lead to my monarchy invading your country and subduing you
your monarchy has enough problems with hopeless uneducated drug abusing teenage inhabitans who thinks doing drugs is tough lol the lack of intelligence is sad thanks to our generation and people like you UK wont be strong again the nearest future
why do you involve politics in all your posts? that wasn't the aim of my post, I do Politics @ A-Level, and have a deep interest in the issues of our country - if I wanted to start a conversation on it, I'd make a thread, however, no we're talking about it, where did you get this preposterous idea the Monarchy has a role in drug prevention, as for the integrity of our nation, I just don't even - go back to worrying about Greece and Spain. I can't tell if this is another one of your trolls, albeit a sub-par display on your part if that is the case, or if you're just...dumb?
congratulation on ur mums diamond jubilee