New Clan: Seek & Destroy - Recruiting
I would like to announce that I, with the help of my buddy, Al!ve, have created "Seek & Destroy".

Please visit us at and feel free to register.

Our IRC: irc://|D
You would most probably find us on TeamSpeak though.

I would also like to announce that we are recruiting new members. If anyone is looking for a clan, please check our forum and screen shots, and if you think that s|D is right for you, we will welcome your application.

Thanks for attention!

P@ndel & Al!ve
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Messages In This Thread
New Clan: Seek & Destroy - Recruiting - by P@ndel - 17 Aug 10, 11:26AM
RE: New Clan: Seek & Destroy - Recruiting - by FlameZ - 17 Aug 10, 06:51PM