28 May 12, 05:36PM
So, I tried to go online this morning just to play some, but I noticed that I could not connect to the server. I then proceeded to reboot my router, computer, and everything, but nothing worked. Then, that led me to here to discover that I was reported for aimbotting and banned. WHY?!? I don't cheat! What's the point of cheating anyway?! The statement about me was something along the lines of, "I think he's cheating"... Belief is not enough to ban someone, is it? Then, with the demo that he provided, you can clearly see that I am not aimbotting. In the round, I saw mid-way through that they were trying to spectate me (they accidently said it over the general chat) and, as I saw after watching the demo, one of them made a good point: I MISS SHOTS... If I was cheating, that must have been one terrible aimbot.
Did the person who banned me even watch the "proof"?
Please unban me, there is no reason for the ban at all.
Did the person who banned me even watch the "proof"?
Please unban me, there is no reason for the ban at all.