
We will start a gigantic project (gignu and me). A league for clans. It takes about a half year, depending on how many clans like to play it. Every clan can register himself, only for a new season, then he will begin in the lowest league. But this year (our first one) we only have one league. After the first season we will look to the table and send the worse clans into the second league. Perhaps we also make three leagues if there are enough clans, who want to play in the league. If there is a cup or tournament like ACWC, we will stop the league for a while and take a little break.

We hope our league will bring AssaultCube more competition, make it more popular and many new players will play AC. Also we hope that many new clans will arise and fight in our leagues, to win one day the first Clan-League (the ACCL). It is the great chance for every clan, to demonstrate his strength.

We are going to play 3vs3. On the most weekends will be a matchday, where every clan have to play a match. The matches must be played in the given period of time (mostly from Friday to Sunday). We think we start it a few weeks after ACWC. We hope that all players are convinced from our league and will play it too. More accurate informations you will find on our website. We wish you much fun in the Ac-Clan-League and looking forward to nice and fair matches. We are verry excited who will win the ACCL at first.


Gl & hf


Wir starten ein riesiges Projekt (gignu und ich). Eine Liga für Clans, die ca. ein halbes Jahr dauert, je nachdem wie viele Clans mitspielen wollen. Nach jeder Saison können sich neue Clans anmelden, die dann in der untersten Liga anfangen. In der ersten Saison gibt es nur eine Liga. Danch werden die Clans je nach Platzierung in der ersten, zweiten oder dritten Liga, (falls vorhanden) spielen. Natürlich legen wir während, so wie vor und nach Turnieren wie z.B. ACWC angemessene Pausen ein, um die Spieler nicht zu überfordern.

Dadurch hoffen wir einen größeren Spielreiz/konkurenzkampf zu entfachen, durch den AssaultCube populärer wird und viele neue Spieler dazubekommt. Außerdem hoffen wir das viele neue Clans entstehen und sich in unseren Ligen messen. Die Ac-Clan-League ist die Chance zu beweisen, wer aktuell der beste Clan der Welt in AssaultCube ist.

Gespielt wird 3vs3. Jedes Wochenende findet ein Spieltag statt, an dem jeder Clan ein spiel hat. Dieses muss innerhalb des vorgegebenen Wochenendes (von Freitag-Sonntag) absolviert werden. Anmeldeschluss ist kurz nach ACWC, denn ungefähr dann starten wir die ACCL. Wir hoffen das so viele Clans wie möglich mitspielen. Genauere Informationen auf unserer Website. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß in der Liga und hoffen auf sportliche und faire Matches. Wir sind gespannt wer als erstes die Ac-Clan-League gewinnen wird. Viel Erfolg.

Hier unsere Website:
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Messages In This Thread
Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 24 May 12, 02:43PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by VallDiGna - 24 May 12, 04:05PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 24 May 12, 04:19PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Vanguard - 24 May 12, 04:50PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Vanquish - 24 May 12, 05:59PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by yopa - 24 May 12, 06:10PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 24 May 12, 06:10PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 24 May 12, 06:17PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 24 May 12, 06:20PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 24 May 12, 06:25PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gambino - 25 May 12, 02:26PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by kleinkariert - 25 May 12, 03:27PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 25 May 12, 05:25PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 25 May 12, 05:43PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Roflcopter - 25 May 12, 06:19PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 25 May 12, 07:07PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Roflcopter - 25 May 12, 08:04PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by miro.45 - 25 May 12, 06:20PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 25 May 12, 07:01PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Vanguard - 25 May 12, 07:17PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 25 May 12, 07:33PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by tempest - 25 May 12, 09:03PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Vanquish - 25 May 12, 07:30PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by -XD-Munchies - 25 May 12, 08:43PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 25 May 12, 08:48PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ParaDox - 25 May 12, 09:27PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 26 May 12, 09:52AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 25 May 12, 10:04PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by al3rt - 25 May 12, 10:40PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Armed - 26 May 12, 02:07AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Waffles - 26 May 12, 09:59AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 26 May 12, 10:02AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 26 May 12, 04:01PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Nightmare - 26 May 12, 08:29PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Cemer - 26 May 12, 07:49PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 26 May 12, 08:19PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 26 May 12, 08:23PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 27 May 12, 01:18PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Oracle - 26 May 12, 08:32PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Vanquish - 26 May 12, 09:42PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 26 May 12, 09:47PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 26 May 12, 11:27PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Roflcopter - 26 May 12, 11:31PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 27 May 12, 06:57AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 27 May 12, 03:17PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Robtics - 27 May 12, 04:31PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 27 May 12, 06:48PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 27 May 12, 06:53PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 27 May 12, 07:14PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 28 May 12, 09:43AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Robtics - 28 May 12, 10:28AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Roflcopter - 28 May 12, 02:43PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 28 May 12, 02:56PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by ReDBuLL - 29 May 12, 03:58PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by gignu - 29 May 12, 08:42PM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by CaptainAhab - 05 Jun 12, 07:38AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by Vermi - 05 Jun 12, 09:12AM
RE: Ac-Clan-League - by .EL. - 06 Jun 12, 07:22PM