26 Apr 12, 01:34AM
(26 Apr 12, 01:03AM)Edward Wrote: And what about the akimbo? Akimbo is the best AC's weapon (comon so fast and so accurate)!! We have to limit its amo. So we need pistols pickups.
Give the akimbo a lot of ammo and when it runs out let it expire and return to normal pistol.
(26 Apr 12, 01:03AM)Edward Wrote: And what about PF? You wanna remove it too? Cause with unlimited amo, PF is just an useless mode. After removing kevlar, pistols pickups and PF maybe we could remove shotgun, tosok, ac_douze and everything people dislike or do not understand...
No one likes pistol friendly. Just remove it. For the one of two players that will chip in claiming they like it, games can't support everything that a few players like or we'd have literally hundreds of modes. Feature bloat is not attractive even in games.
(26 Apr 12, 01:03AM)Edward Wrote: Naaaa!! More over I always have bullets in my pistol so most of the time I do not even care about it...
That seems an argument for its redundancy.