24 Apr 12, 05:26PM
I don't get how Fred doesn't troll Mercykil :p I mean no disrespect but you are one of the "derpiest" guys here, your reply to Perros and your random starting of flame wars confirm that. You know, MM10 was just as bad as RV, and when people got used to him and stopped getting bothered, he also stopped. At least I haven't heard of any MMX trollings lately. Just let him be, he's already banned anyways...
tbh, fuck it. man, who GIVES a shit if some guy you will NEVER SEE in your whole life is saying he hates gingers? if he has yelling that to your face everyday, beating you up, raping you in real life, it'd be an issue. but over the internet? are you fucking kidding me? so childish to let something stupid like this get to you.
tbh, fuck it. man, who GIVES a shit if some guy you will NEVER SEE in your whole life is saying he hates gingers? if he has yelling that to your face everyday, beating you up, raping you in real life, it'd be an issue. but over the internet? are you fucking kidding me? so childish to let something stupid like this get to you.