What are you wearing right now? part 3
This topic just proves that the majority of ACers either get no booty or are just big gay dinosaurs. There are at least five replies about how yall are running 'round here naked as hell and last time i checked yall a bunch of sausage monkeys! Unless you're name is Misty, Princess (she gets number two cuz she hasn't called me in AGES...) kitty, Medusa, cyprian, hallstrom or jinnie, I don't wanna see that shit. Pack it up and put it away before I chop it off... with a ZAMBONI. Yeah you like that? A big fat ice smoother running happily over your mommy an daddy regions. Drink in that image and smoke it. Now unless you are a lusciously lethal AC babe I expect some clothes. I don't care if it's those ridiculous jeans that come already ripped or some those skinny jeans that make you look like a bitch.

I'll be at home making out with a bottle of tequila tonight and I swear if I don't see any Tiggle Bitties when I get back on someone's gonna die.


C'mon girls, say hi to the AC fanboys.
[Image: F1%20Pit%20Babes%2054.jpg]

Mod Edit:: Morgan is wearing an AND1 hoody, long black pants, and a Subway visor with his 1yr and 2yr pins glistening beautifully from its bill. Soon to be 3yrs btw. He has on a stunning black shirt that accentuates his already slim and sleek muscle-toned physique. He sports the most epic pair of anti-slip shoes in the world as well. Restaurants need love too.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: What are you wearing right now? part 3 - by MorganKell - 09 Apr 12, 07:58PM