""bad sniper-scope reaction (with /autoscopesens 1 a bit better but not perfect)""
i dont get what u mean here elite, anyway in the SVN autoscopesens got fixed, cause it's calculations werent always accurate..
now to move the character aim ingame on the monitor by tow centimeters (for example) if u use autoscopesens it takes the same mouse space as if you werent zooming (you wont feel extra speed or slowness in scope anymore, just pure consistency and accuracy), so you always have a constant sensitivity feeling :) i personally recomment that command for every kind of sniper user, noob or pro. (this way u only have one sensitivity, and not two like when using scopesensscale 0.5)
i dont get what u mean here elite, anyway in the SVN autoscopesens got fixed, cause it's calculations werent always accurate..
now to move the character aim ingame on the monitor by tow centimeters (for example) if u use autoscopesens it takes the same mouse space as if you werent zooming (you wont feel extra speed or slowness in scope anymore, just pure consistency and accuracy), so you always have a constant sensitivity feeling :) i personally recomment that command for every kind of sniper user, noob or pro. (this way u only have one sensitivity, and not two like when using scopesensscale 0.5)