The "forgive" vote
the length of my post is not long because it's complex, it's long because i made examples to make you understanding better

the big difference is, that you have to vote now, to hope and beg the vote is passing, and it doesn't pass often because your vote doesn't reach the number of needed voices, players learned to avoid to show up with -10 kills. Aslong you don't change to spectator you would vote F2 because it looks properly for you on the scoreboard (also an example i made already in my first post)

it's about voting behavior from the people

the trigger now, is set to high (5-10), that a vote pass, any vote, if it has a reason or not doesn't matter

the trigger in forgive system starts on low (1-10) with a detected reason, or in percentage to the amount of players in a server

(i just numbered it, to make clear the difference)

the forgive vote does pass, without doing anything

The other point is, that you want play, and not waste time for researching votes, and the idea of the "forgive" vote is, that you don't need to proove at your own, or making people guess about a vote, the vote shows up because you reached a trigger, which does not exist in that way now

it's also in fairness of playing people, atm, people which play properly have to take care that the abusing players get kicked

in the "forgive" system, players which reached a trigger by doing unwanted things, would have to take care to not get kicked, so the work is on the side from the player which reached the trigger, and not the opposite

Players which play properly just let it go, at least they did not reach a trigger

it's a BIG difference if you need voices to get kicked someone, or not get kicked for reaching a trigger, which is only possible by doing it intentionally
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Messages In This Thread
The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 11:20AM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by vonunov - 21 Mar 12, 12:19PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 12:39PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by MykeGregory - 21 Mar 12, 12:43PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 12:49PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by vonunov - 21 Mar 12, 01:18PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 01:41PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by GDM - 21 Mar 12, 02:26PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 05:37PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by macm - 21 Mar 12, 06:33PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 07:41PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 09:09PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by tempest - 21 Mar 12, 09:30PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 09:56PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 10:04PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 10:09PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by Vanquish - 21 Mar 12, 10:10PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by LameFox - 21 Mar 12, 10:12PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by fundog - 21 Mar 12, 10:21PM
RE: The "forgive" vote - by Cemer - 23 Mar 12, 04:44AM