Mouse acceleration
When you disable acceleration you introduce what's called negative acceleration (you move your mouse more to cover same distance), thus you need to bump your USB polling rate. (provided your mouse is not some BS locked at 125Hz). Obviously, changing polling rate may introduce side effects, so use it at your own risk.

XP registry fix and tools for changing USB polling rate (use that tool if your mouse drivers don't bundle anything to achieve the same result)
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Messages In This Thread
Mouse acceleration - by yourconscript - 17 Mar 12, 03:31AM
RE: hello again - by GDM - 17 Mar 12, 05:51AM
RE: hello again - by Boomhauer - 17 Mar 12, 08:39AM
RE: hello again - by Roflcopter - 17 Mar 12, 10:47AM
RE: Mouse acceleration - by Vanquish - 17 Mar 12, 01:31PM
RE: Mouse acceleration - by SKB - 17 Mar 12, 07:04PM