09 Mar 12, 09:41AM
But seriously I think the whole thing is blown way out of proportion. To all of a sudden gain interest about something no one has ever cared about for is just plain dumb. Who threw the dart and hit Africa this time?
Think about it, hes #1 on our hit list and no one cared, period. The 30 minute youtube video is a little one sided as well. How often does the black child, the one who actually lives there, talk in the film? Not much at all. Honestly. Why should you all of a sudden care? Specifically the U.S., take care of yourself for once. I swear Americans are so stupid and I have to be one of them, can't even save themselves and they have to worry about little things on the other side of the world that has absolutely nothing to do with us. This is why no one cared until someone made a pretty little sad story about it. And guess what, it still doesn't concern us, go figure.