|KH| re-opens recruiting
The last time recruiting for the Kellhounds was opened to applications was in 2009. We have been invite only since. Good news though, for all of you potential shimmies out there. Recruiting is now officially re-opened to the AC public. Though invitations from a member are no longer necessary to apply, there are still stringent guides that are followed. The best thing to do if you are considering trying to join is to read the sticky for applying on our forum. You will need to register (if you aren't already) before you are able to view the sticky.


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Messages In This Thread
|KH| re-opens recruiting - by Boomhauer - 08 Mar 12, 08:35AM
RE: |KH| re-opens recuiting - by RealViking - 08 Mar 12, 03:31PM
RE: |KH| re-opens recuiting - by Sarin - 08 Mar 12, 04:33PM
RE: |KH| re-opens recuiting - by al3rt - 08 Mar 12, 09:40PM
RE: |KH| re-opens recuiting - by .EL. - 08 Mar 12, 09:58PM
RE: |KH| re-opens recruiting - by Sepehr - 09 Mar 12, 03:48PM