Created by me, then edited by Ronald_Reagan, and then fixed (Not sure if it's fixed, the glitch exists on my PC but not on DrauL's O_o) by DrauL. It's an 8ball script :D
Yes, I know we haven't got all the answers down there.
Yes, I know we haven't got all the answers down there.
8ballanswers = ["8ball: Meow, I'm a cat!" "8ball: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!" "8ball: Who do you think I am, DiLL?" "8ball: Are you MAD?!" "8ball: Sure. Yeah. Exactly." "8ball: It is decidedly so." "8ball: Not on your life." "8ball: No." "8ball: Maybe so." "8ball: Absolutely not." "8ball: Yes."]
alias 8ball [say ($arg1); sleep 10 [8response]]
alias 8response [say (at $8ballanswers (rnd (listlen $8ballanswers)))]]