27 Feb 12, 01:43AM
* CuzImB} doesn't want to live on this planet anymore
<prolet> ...
* CuzImB} peace out i'm headed to Titan
<prolet> lol
<B}Droid> or pandora
<prolet> he's afk though
<prolet> titan doesnt play ac
<CuzImB}> oh
<CuzI'mB}> har har har
<prolet> and viper closed pandora
<CuzImB}> lol!
<prolet> ...
* CuzImB} peace out i'm headed to Titan
<prolet> lol
<B}Droid> or pandora
<prolet> he's afk though
<prolet> titan doesnt play ac
<CuzImB}> oh
<CuzI'mB}> har har har
<prolet> and viper closed pandora
<CuzImB}> lol!