(20 Jun 10, 04:48PM)a_slow_old_man Wrote: 3. Zoom script by stef:
[cubescript]//zoom script by stef with fog 1024 trick added, a must for a sniper
alias adjustsens [
scopefov 40
scopesensscale = (divf $scopefov $fov)
alias altaction_4 [ alias oldfog $fog;fog 1024
adjustsens; domodifier 1; zoom 1;
onrelease [ zoom 0; adjustsens; fog $oldfog ]
alias delta_game_1 [
if (= $arg1 1) [
if (> $scopefov 5) [scopefov (- $scopefov 5) ]
if (< $scopefov 60) [scopefov (+ $scopefov 5) ]
sensitivity (divf (*f (*f $oldsens $scopesensscale) $scopefov) 40)
With this script you can zoom with your sniper. Just scroll with your scrollwheel while you scope.
Mod Edit: Upgraded [noparse][code] tags to [cubescript][/noparse] tags
i tried putting this in teh scripts folder. i saw that i needed to add "execdir scripts" in order for any script to work. but i copy and pasted it in the autoexec.cfg and this script does not seem to work. when i scroll in scope, it just changes my weapon. any suggestions? i have a mac
im probably just being a complete dumbass but yea...i got no idea what im doing here...