Spectator mode - Whats the use...?
Well, what Cpt. Ahab and I said applies when, in the situation you described, the player who went AFK gets killed. Not before, as the server wouldnt know if the player is camping or not. I cant think of a better way to implement it.
But you are so right, its mind blowing and utterly annoying. I also hate when , not only in public matches, but also in ladder ones, one player spawns mindlessly without first studying the rooster. Imagine how many ways a fun tied 4 vs 4 game can be ruined when a ninth player connects. (I also fail, notice im a n00b XD).
I love to anticipate to the server decisions when auto-team is on and teams are unbalanced. Pity I dont have admin in most servers, I would do great, XD!
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RE: Spectator mode - Whats the use...? - by paulmuaddibKA - 20 Feb 12, 08:07PM