Spectator mode - Whats the use...?
Now that I have had my coffee, I see what you're talking about. ;)

What paul posted is something I am thinking about as well. What if, on the off chance, someone is strategically camping a certain position. The auto-kick function would definitely backfire if it booted this person for not moving, which would make him or her relatively angry. Granted, if even moving 0.00005 inches "stopped the auto-kick timer," so to speak, I suppose this problem doesn't really exist, and indeed does get rid of people who just chill in spawn and/or camp one position endlessly.

So what you are describing is an auto-spectate function for those who are AFK. And not just typing for 5-8 seconds -- actually AFK. After the 5-second spawn timer is up, and the player does not respond for 10 more seconds or so, they get automatically put into spectator mode. In modes like TOSOK or TSURV, if the player simply does not move after the round has started for 10-15 seconds or so, they automatically get put into spectator for being supposedly AFK.

Those are just my random thoughts, but I like the idea.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Spectator mode - Whats the use...? - by CaptainAhab - 20 Feb 12, 07:47PM