12 Aug 10, 12:37AM
(This post was last modified: 17 Aug 10, 08:29PM by pwnage{TyD}.)
The AC 1.1 ladder has been released. The URL remains the same: http://ladder.tearyoudown.com
Code has been rewritten to support the new logging. Time played and CTF ratio are being displayed now. These data are ordered like the other game values so you can compare yourself to others. The ladder also supports the new changes in the gib/headshot scoring. Which means that headshots gets awarded with more points (as it requires more skills) then a normal gib done by nade, knife and shotgun. More information on the scoring can be found here.
The old 1.0 ladder is now located at http://ladder.tearyoudown.com/1.0/
It will be updating as long as the 1.0.4 masterserver stays operative, after that it will only be kept for historical purposes. Other information sites about the ladder, such as the wiki will be updated soon. Stay tuned!
Thanks to everyone who has or is supporting us with hints, comments and servers. And of course thanks to everyone who is playing and participating on the ladder. Have fun!
Code has been rewritten to support the new logging. Time played and CTF ratio are being displayed now. These data are ordered like the other game values so you can compare yourself to others. The ladder also supports the new changes in the gib/headshot scoring. Which means that headshots gets awarded with more points (as it requires more skills) then a normal gib done by nade, knife and shotgun. More information on the scoring can be found here.
The old 1.0 ladder is now located at http://ladder.tearyoudown.com/1.0/
It will be updating as long as the 1.0.4 masterserver stays operative, after that it will only be kept for historical purposes. Other information sites about the ladder, such as the wiki will be updated soon. Stay tuned!
Thanks to everyone who has or is supporting us with hints, comments and servers. And of course thanks to everyone who is playing and participating on the ladder. Have fun!